Deeply Disturbed Girl

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Wedding Bells

Marge is getting married. At first I thought it would probably be a joke, but is true, one of my best friends, a person who basically doesn't believe in legal unions, is going to set her compromise before god (or before catholic's god) and before a judge...

Why are there some people who need to do that? why do we want that big wedding, the reception, the dress, the gifts and everything? what can we find in there, in that ritual?

Those are the kind of questions I always make myself when some couple anounnces me they getting married. I'm just not able to understand. We already have the love there, the relationship have been completely developed, why do we need the judge and the blessing? Why is the power of a society and of our family so strong that we feel we need to satisfy them?

Don't miss the idea. I love weddings, I love parties and I celebrate theyve taken the decision in such spontaneous way, it makes the news sound better. Of course I'm gonna be there, I'm gonna dance and have a great time with all my old friends, but since I'm convinced that a couple have so little posibilities to remain together, it seems rare to me to say: ¨congratulations¨

I don't know how to explain it. The thing is that when you get married it looks like you putting a deadline into your relationship. I know it should be the other way around, butI like more the concept of living together without the rule because something is unfinished and we don't have the top of what we're able to do. And if we split out is not such a big deal in legal terms. Emocionally the pain is just the same but i feel that marriage is stablish stuff, no excitement at all, like starting to get old in certain way.

Like I said, I'm going to be there, I'm gonna be part of the process and I want my friend to be happy because she is doing this without any obligation. And that's so fucking brave.



  • Yep... Very brave they indeed are, those who take the decision to get marry. Anyways I do believe you are not doing it for society somehow, it is necessary to get married in a spiritual way and the church may represent that.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:43 PM  

  • Milezz is right.By the way, i like weddings, specially those televisa soup opera- weddings. Those are so lovely. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:38 PM  

  • he decidido que voy a llorar, pocas veces se le casan a una las amigas y yo creo que me dará pena el matrisuicidio y me echaré a llorar..

    ademas, marce es mi novia, no hay derecho!

    By Blogger deeply, at 7:40 AM  

  • NO, no hay derecho!. Pero ofrecele metrimonio a ella tú!.
    Interesante versión de la Boda de mi Mejor Amigo, no?

    By Blogger Galgani, at 10:59 AM  

  • Hi Dear Marión... I agree with you... it is too difficult for me to believe in marriages for ever... I do not know why... it could be such a particular way of thinking life, enjoying the own freedom.

    In my case... of course I would like to get married, but it would be one of the most important decisions I would ever do... but anyway I will never be sure if it is going to be right in my hold life or if I am never going to split up with my hypothetical wife... We never know what will happen in the future... We cannot allways control our context, so the only thing I can suggest you is just to live your life freely, obviously caring about dangerous situations, but at the same time being certain that one just has to accept his or her life and try to be happy... nothing else.

    By Blogger Gabriel Farías Rojas, at 2:31 PM  

  • Quería decir algo... pero no me dejaste...Eso sería isa, gracias.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:36 PM  

  • No se nada de ingles
    Menos quien actua en El Halcon maltes.
    Se que me di en la cabeza en la cabeza y apareci aqui.
    Todo a finales de mes.


    By Blogger Tillo, at 1:25 PM  

  • But if you have already sealed a promise of love, won't you have any problem on telling it again in front of a judge?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:46 PM  

  • Solo creo que hay cosas fuera de mi entendimiento, como el considerar que uno pasara el resto de la vida con una persona, y decirselo a todos así, frente al juez.

    El resto de la vida no es como mucho?

    By Blogger deeply, at 1:10 PM  

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